Halifax Rowing Club is proud to host the Annual Erg Marathon & Half Marathon on Sunday March 18th, at the University of King’s College Gymnasium.
The format is a 42,195m race in the morning, a 21,098m race in the afternoon and 10,000m and 5,000m Junior Rower events will be interspersed throughout the day.
There will be a large projected screen showing movies for the participants to watch while erging. We encourage family, friends and fellow rowers to drop in and cheer on the athletes as they attempt to complete this endurance challenge. There will be coffee, tea and snacks available for all the spectators, so please come and enjoy the fun and excitement!
We will also be teaching Learn-to-Erg sessions for anyone interested in learning about rowing and training for rowing on the erg. These sessions will take place throughout the day; encourage your parents, friends and colleagues to discover the wonderful world of rowing and erging.
The race package will be available on March 12th, 2018.
More information: Erg Half and Full Marathon 2018 – Information