
join us on the water


Bylaws and Policy Documents

HRC Bylaws – Approved February 10, 2015
Halifax Rowing Club Safety Policy & Safety Code
Halifax Rowing Club Boathouse and Equipment Rules
HRC Private Boat Storage and Use Policy
HRC Private Boat Storage Wait List
HRC Cancellation Policy

Low Light Policy

Before sunrise and one-half hour before sunset, rowers and coaches must have the appropriate running lights operational and visible.

Visiting Rower Policy

All visiting rowers please read, complete, and abide by the visiting rower policy

Code of Conduct

For your safety and safety of others, all rowers need to abide by the Code of Conduct, included on the HRC Waiver Form you will sign during registration.

Cold Water Policy

The months of November through May shall be designated as Cold Water Months. If the water temperature falls below 10°C outside of this time frame, the Cold Water Policy will come into effect.

When the Cold Water Policy is in effect;

  • HRC members can only row when a safety boat is on the water – this applies to rowers using club or privately owned shells.
  • No rower may leave the dock until the safety boat is operational. (motor attached and working with all safety gear on board)
  • All rowing shells must stay within 500 meters of the coach boat or the boathouse.
  • Rowers are required to travel as a group.
  • These requirements may be waived at the discretion of the Club Safety Officer or the Head Coach if the measured water temperatures in the Arm are higher than 10°C and other conditions are satisfactory.

Cold Water Boot Camp shows what really happens when people fall into cold water.